Make a bequest to HKU Libraries
Etch your greatest legacy on the bright minds of next generations.

The HKU Libraries (“HKUL”) Fundraising Campaign 111 now accepts bequests via the I Have a Dream Campaign. We are very honoured and grateful that you are considering supporting us posthumously. We will gladly acknowledge your contribution.
Why does HKUL need bequests?
HKUL as part of HKU relies mainly on public funding to provide our services to students, faculty members and staff in order to support their academic and research endeavours. That said, historically, a lot of HKUL’s most valuable collections came into being and continues to exist with monetary support from private donors. The same could be said about many of our facilities and services.
Where does the money go?
Your bequest will go into a Libraries 111th Fund, in accordance with your wishes. The bequest could be a general cash legacy or collections of significant value to support any of HKUL’s most compelling needs at the moment the bequest will be administered, or directed towards a particular purpose or specific initiative. Please contact us at if you have a proposal or wish to know what are our needs or initiatives currently open to donors’ support.
How to make my bequest to HKUL?
Executing a will and devising the provisions are deeply personal decisions. Please rest assured your enquiries with HKUL pertaining to such matters will be handled in strict confidence. Please contact us at if you would like to discuss with us in more detail or enlist further assistance from us.
How will my bequest be acknowledged?
We value your bequest and would like to properly acknowledge your contribution. When you make your bequest, kindly also indicate the ways you wish to be acknowledged. Please feel free to discuss with us your preferred formats of acknowledgment, such as naming privileges, commemorative plaques, credit lines on display, and so on.
Thank you for your generous support for HKUL and our library users.